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Our Business - Category B:
当社(Hawaii州法人)は、米国所在不動産を適正価格にて売却処分致します。Honolulu Advertiser紙をご覧下さい。私は、米国Hawaii州駐在中に、貸付業務等の傍ら所有不動産の処分に当り成功を収めましたが、そのときに痛感したことは、「Network」と「Teamwork」が極めて重要であることです。中でも、信頼できるBrokerがその「Network」を利用して広く買主を求め得ることはその取引の死命を制します。勿論、収益に大きく影響します。 私が2460坪の土地を売却したとき、CB Richard Ellis社Honolulu OfficeがNetwork を利用してNew York上場企業を見つけ出し成約、Closingに至りました。
1 .  Waialae Property(Hawaii州)
   2460坪の土地をNY上場会社Public Storage社に850万ドルで売却。
   Broker:CB Richard Ellis社 Honolulu Office
2 .  Kalakaua Property(Hawaii州 Waikiki)
   530坪の土地をLocal Motion社に約400万ドルで売却。
   Broker:CB Richard Ellis社 Honolulu Office
3 .  Partnership Interest (New Jersey州)  
   Partnership InterestをMerrill Lynch NY社、Mitsui Fudosan NY社に  

Mr. Kenji Masuda and Across the Pacific, LLC.

With the creation of Across the Pacific, LLC. ( the Company), Mr. Kenji Masuda has created a vehicle for Japanese lenders and investors to deal with real estate assets in Hawaii and the United States through a network alliance of brokers, consultants, and attorneys.

Selling Japanese owned property in the U.S. can be difficult given the differences in culture, law and language but with the Company, you can now take advantage of an experienced team of consultants, attorneys and brokers who have not only provided this service in the past but were successful in achieving very high prices for the sellers in a difficult market.

In the past, the principal of the Company, Mr. Masuda, working together with a team consisting of brokers from CB Richard Ellis (Hawaii Office), attorneys, escrow and other consultants were successful in marketing two Honolulu properties. Let me inform you what happened in the past.

The process began by identifying a potential property for sale. Once these properties were identified, the property information was relayed to the brokers who prepared a "Broker's Opinion of Value" which provided the seller(s) the information they needed to determine the viability of putting the property on the market at that time. Once the decision to sell was made, the property was aggressively marketed by the brokers. Once the buyer(s) were identified, Mr. Masuda with its team of advisors managed the transactions to successful closings. It is important to note that the sale prices achieved for these properties (as a percentage of the initial investment) were significantly higher than other Japanese properties sold in Hawaii at the same time.

The first of the two properties in question was a 2.01 acres development site located at 2888 Waialae Avenue (now known as the Public Storage property.) This property was extremely difficult to market because it was priced such that only a dense multi-story building could justify the price but the team of consultants brought together by Mr. Masuda discovered that there was a sewage problem in the area. The team worked very hard to determine what type of user could maximize the density for this two-acre parcel yet not require additional sewer capacity? The answer was Public Storage (a NY listing, Mini-storage company.) who purchased the property and developed a 6-story mini-storage facility. (below left)

The other transaction was 1958 Kalakaua Avenue, a small 18,861square foot, mixed-use (apartment/commercial) property located just outside the heart of Waikiki in an area of high automobile and low pedestrian traffic. The challenge was to find an owner/user who was a destination retailer and who could close the transaction quickly (To meet the Seller's requirements). The brokers contacted all the potential Buyers meeting this profile and Mr. Masuda and the team were able to open escrow with Local Motion within 60 days of receiving the assignment and closed the transaction successfully. (below right)

If you have any questions or would like more information about Mr. Kenji Masuda and his company, please do not hesitate to contact me at (808) 541-5112.

増田社長は、今般Across the Pacific, LLC.社を設立致しました。日本の金融機関、投資家は、同社を通じて、困難なマーケットで優れた実績を挙げた弁護士、コンサルタント、ブローカー(及びそのネットワーク)などを利用することができ、言語、法律さらに文化の違いに直面することなく、米国Hawaii州及び米国本土の物件を容易にしかも有利に処分することが可能です。 私たちが取り扱った実例を挙げましょう(この時増田社長はOwnerの立場でした)。これらの売却価格はその当時の日本人保有物件の売却価格に比較し、著しく高い水準であったことを申し添えておきます。

1. 2888 Waialae Avenue (写真左)
この土地は約2エーカー(約2500坪)の大きさでしたが、排水処理能力の問題などの ためマーケティングに非常な困難が伴いました。土木技師を含めたTeamを結成し、 この土地に適したStorage業を営むPublic Storage社(NY上場)に交渉の末売却するこ とができました。

2. 1958 Kalakaua Avenue (写真右)
この土地はWaikikiの中心から少し離れた所に位置し、小売業に適していました。ブ ローカーは購入可能性のある全ての小売業者に接触しましたが、その結果Local Motion社と交渉を開始し、増田社長とそのTeamは通常の取引よりも相当早く成約し 成功裡に取引を終了することができました。

Joseph T. Haas (B) SIOR
Managing Director
CB Richard Ellis Hawaii, Inc.